FEMTO ENGINEERING offers mechanical, vibratory/vibroacoustic and tribological characterisation solutions, in the form of:
- analysis
- study
- test
- diagnostic
- prototyping
We operate on the AMETISTE platform of the applied mechanics department of the FEMTO-ST institute.
FEMTO ENGINEERING also works in the field of machining hard materials, such as tungsten carbide or ceramics. We realize:
- machining tests
- prototyping
- small series
We use the MIFHySTO platform of the applied mechanics department of the FEMTO-ST institute.
Our expertise
Structural vibrations and vibroacoustics
Analysis and diagnosis of vibratory/vibroacoustics behavior (tests and calculations) Development of passive or active solutions for vibration reduction
Tribological tests
Determination of the coefficient of friction Determination of material wear Roughness determination
Machining hard materials
Prototyping Small series Machining tests Material: Tungsten carbide, ceramics Machine: Kern Micro 5 axes
Multi-scale mechanical tests
Mechanical characterisations (from micrometer to macro): Determination of the mechanical properties of materials: Static Endurance tests Environmental behavior Determination of
Contact us
Mecanic Engineer (AMETISTE platform)
FEMTO Engineering
Bâtiment UFC
24 rue de l’Epitaphe F-25000 Besançon cedex
- Phone +33(0)3 81 66 60 47
- thomas.jeannin@femto‐st.fr
Contact us
Alexandre BOUCHENY
Mecanic Engineer (MIFHySTO platform)
FEMTO Engineering
26 rue de l’Epitaphe F-25000 Besançon cedex